
Municipal donors

FëBLux thanks the following Luxembourgish local authorities for their donations since 2010 (Stand: 30.04.2024):

  1. Beckerich (2012-2013 & 2019 & 2021-2024: 350,- Euro)
  2. Bettembourg (2012-2013 & 2016-2023: 850,- Euro)
  3. Betzdorf (2014-2018 & 2020-2021 & 2023: 2.350,- Euro)
  4. Bourscheid (2018: 50,- Euro)
  5. Differdange (2013: 1.000,- Euro)
  6. Ernztal (2014: 50,- Euro)
  7. Feulen (2018: 100,- Euro)
  8. Grevenmacher (2015-2019: 250,- Euro)
  9. Helperknapp (2021-2023: 200,- Euro)
  10. Hosingen (2022: 50,- Euro)
  11. Kehlen (2014-2015 & 2020-2023: 700,- Euro)
  12. Kiischpelt (2019-2024: 150,- Euro)
  13. Larochette (2013-2023: 525,- Euro)
  14. Lintgen (2015-2024: 800,- Euro)
  15. Lorentzweiler (2013: 50,- Euro)
  16. Mamer (2023: 50,- Euro)
  17. Medernach (2011: 50,- Euro) [since 2012: Ernztal]
  18. Mersch (2010-2023: 700,- Euro)
  19. Mertert (2010-2024: 1.350,- Euro)
  20. Mertzig (2020-2021: 100,- Euro)
  21. Mondercange (2020-2023: 350,- Euro)
  22. Niederanven (2017-2021: 285,- Euro)
  23. Nommern (2013: 100,- Euro)
  24. Remich (2013-2016: 200,- Euro)
  25. Rumelange (2021-2023: 450,- Euro)
  26. Schengen (2013-2015 & 2017-2019: 300,- Euro)
  27. Schuttrange (2012 & 2014-2023: 550,- Euro)
  28. Vichten (2019: 75 Euro)
  29. Waldbillig (2018-2023: 450,- Euro)
  30. Waldbredimus (2016-2018: 75,- Euro)
  31. Wincrange (2012-2024: 650,- Euro)
  32. Wiltz (2017-2024: 1.600,- Euro)

Information for municipalities: the circular N°350 of February 11th, 1975, point 6.1, of the Luxembourgish Ministry of Interior (the only existing one on this topic) offers a guideline of a maximum donation amount of 50,- Euro (at that time 2.000,- Luxembourgish Franc) by a local authority to an association, who’s seat is NOT located in the respective municipality, where it asks for a donation. Circulaire No 305 – 11.02.1975