
Make a gift

Our organization only accepts monetary donations. Large and small sums are welcome.

  1. By a donation

Every donation helps us! Your donation is tax-deductible by the national cultural fund (Fonds culturel national) only. Please find all the information in the heading „Tax-deductible„.

  1. By a legacy

Do you want to immortalise yourself, by transcribing a part or your whole legacy to FëBLux? [Law of the 19.12.2008, Memorial A-N°207, 24.12.2008: inheritance tax 4%, authorisation by the Ministry of Justice from the amount of 30.000 Euro on (check art. 19 of the association law of the 07.08.2023), etc.] FëBLux is an officially registered organisation and therefore can accept legacies. Please contact us! We are librarians: in case of immortalisation we are specialists, that’s our job. All requests and donations will be treated discretely of course.

  1. By a donation of your organisation

Our annual reports are of an imitative transparency. If you have any further questions, we are available to deliver you concrete facts of our commitment.

Local communities: please check our rubric „Municipal donors“ for more information.

  1. For a special occasion

Birthday, marriage, baptism, retirement, death, etc. … Please check our rubric „Memorial giving“ (including „Tribute giving“).



Privacy / Data protection


FëBLux recognises that your privacy is important to you and is committed to protecting it.

FëBLux does not collect more information about its donors and members than needed – just enough to enable us to carry out our work – and will not retain it for longer than is necessary.

Data protection – FëBLux information sheet