„Without libraries what have we? We have no past and no future.“
Ray Douglas Bradbury (1920-2012) – Author of „Fahrenheit 451“
„For some time now, there has been a movement away from reliance on public funds and towards independent sources of income.“
In: The libraries and museums of Europe in times of change / Council of Europe, Committee on Culture, Science, Education and Media. – Strasbourg, 15.02.2016. – (Doc. 13984). – p. 13
Since 2009 …
Dear all,
the association “Fir ëffentlech Bibliothéiken” (Engl.: For public libraries), founded in 2009, is an independent and politically neutral non-profit-organisation (NPO). Its goal consists in the creation, development and maintain of public libraries in the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg. In a nutshell: raise funds and financially help the poorest category of libraries, the public library, open and accessible to all people.
In 2016 our NPO added a European mission to its initial national one: „For public libraries, Luxembourg“ will also financially help democratic organisations promoting public libraries on a European level. Because so many library related legislation comes from Brussels. And efforts to strengthen or improve legislation affecting the daily work of librarians on a national level should be promoted.
This site contains a lot of very detailed information material (reports, balance sheets) you will not find in such transparent way on websites of similar charity organisations. We have nothing to hide.
We hope to count you among our donators in a near future, for the sake of public libraries, for the benefit of a better educated society, for the progress of civilisation.
Evey donation, however small it might be, is welcome.
Yours sincerely
Jean-Marie Reding, founding member, FëBLux-President, 21.04.2016
Why libraries are transforming our communities …
„because learning to read comes before reading to learn.“
American Library Association (ALA), „Libraries transform“ initiative, 2016